Italy - Türkiye Official Match Dinner Held in Bologna 6/4/2024
Italy - Türkiye Official Match Dinner Held in Bologna
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An official dinner organization was held before the friendly match played between our National Team and Italy within the scope of the preparations for EURO 2024.

Turkish Football Federation President Mehmet Büyükekşi and his wife Zehra Büyükekşi, Italian Football Federation President Gabriele Gravina, Türkiye's Ambassador to Rome Ömer Gücük, Türkiye's Consul General to Milano Mehmet Özöktem, TFF Deputy Presidents İbrahim Burkay, Yalçın Orhan, Agah Ruşen Çetin and Mustafa Eröğüt, Italian Football Federation Vice Presidents Umberto Calcagno and Daniele Ortolano, TFF Board Member Ramazan Üçdan, TFF General Secretary Taner Senseven, Italian Football Federation General Secretary Marco Brunelli and Italian Football Federation Foreign Affairs Office Director Danilo Filacchione attended the dinner organization held in Renato Dall'Ara Stadium.

Messages of friendship were given

The dinner, in which the cooperation between the two federations would positively reflect on the preparations for EURO 2032, which will be co-hosted by Türkiye and Italy was emphasized, ended with messages of friendship.

Gifts were presented mutually

Following the dinner organization, gifts were exchanged between Turkish Football Federation and Italian Football Federation delegations during the half-time of the friendly match played between our National Team and Italy.

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