48th Ordinary UEFA Congress Held in Paris 2/8/2024
48th Ordinary UEFA Congress Held in Paris
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The 48th Ordinary UEFA Congress was held in Paris, the capital of France, with the participation of member federation delegates.

At the event held at the Maison de la Mutualité Conference Center, Turkish Football Federation was represented by a delegation consisting of President Mehmet Büyükekşi, Deputy President, Executive Board Member Responsible for FIFA, UEFA Relations and Foreign Affairs Mustafa Eröğüt and General Secretary Taner Senseven.

On the other hand, UEFA Honorary Member and TFF Honorary President Şenes Erzik, TFF Board Member Responsible for National Teams Hamit Altıntop and Administrative Director of Foreign Affairs and National Teams Buğra İmamoğulları also attended the congress as observers.

At the congress, where the changes in the UEFA Statute were accepted along with the financial reports, the members of European Clubs Association and European Leagues Association who will serve on UEFA Board of Directors were also approved.

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